Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012


“A series of short pieces, where I'll be sharing my thoughts and experiences by comparing the virtues, vices and stresses of traditional to present-day living. 
Examining our attitudes about the very basic things humans have done and will continue to-do, (must do) in order to survive the experience that we commonly call, Life-on- Earth”  

Elizabeth Young.
BD Contributing writer.

#2 “SNAKE!” …..Beware……!!!

"A non-venomous snake cannot spit venom in your face;
 strangle you... maybe, but spit venom in your face - never!"

In bed one night when I lived in Jamaica, I felt something crawling across my face. Thinking on my feet (so to speak) I brushed it off with all my energy, remembering of course to cry out, Our Father! Our Father!
Earlier that rainy day I had spotted a giant centipede and immediately as I felt the crawling sensation this night, it registered to me that that 'Forty Leg' was walking on my face!

We children were taught that if ever we encountered a 'Forty Leg' (centipede) we should shout out, Our Father! (defeated if I know why, but we ever were faithful to that teaching, children and adult alike). We were warned that Forty Legs are venomous and we all took that on board. I don't ever recall someone being bitten by one. It wasn't as if you had to feel in order to learn. Somehow the message got through - the “Our Father!” cry and all.

I recall a conversation I had with a woman from Guyana. She was much older than me but we were exchanging tales of childhood. She told how as children they would make a game out of rolling old truck tyres on the road. I know that game - though old truck tyres were scarce in my day. Anyway, she saw what she believed was an old truck tyre ahead further up the road and ran towards it. Her mother who was with her but had stopped to speak with a friend had her eye on her and shouted out, STOP! An unruly child might have continued towards the tyre, but not her, so she said. 

It turned out the truck tyre was actually a big black venomous snake and her mother was alert to it.
The story wasn't about the big black venomous snake in the road, but about the obedience; how being obedient to her mother's voice possibly saved her life.

A venomous creature has no sense of fairness and will not sympathise no matter what, not even if you rescued the wretched creature from certain death, not even at risk of your safety. It doesn't care for you feelings. It means only to hurt you. But hurt you for what purpose - because it is miserable or hurting?

There are those among us who mean to hurt us. It doesn't matter what is eating-at them.
We just know we should avoid them at all costs. 

Don't excuse them.
What is wrong with them does not make it right for them to abuse you.
Don't wait for them to spit at you or sting you.
Identify them.
Study them.
Recognise them.
Don't be persuaded by them. 

Treat people who STRESS and ABUSE us as we would a venomous creature!

We are taught to look for the good in people, but my advice is that you should look for the bad.

If there is any good in a person they will not hesitate to try to persuade you of it.
It is the bad that they are not so keen to reveal, so look for it instead.
"A non-venomous snake will never spit venom in your face;
strangle you... maybe, but spit venom in your face - never!"

Author, Elizabeth Young

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Email: lizard2303@hotmail.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0)794 4296250

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